L’Ufficio Qualità si occupa di effettuare regolarmente prove metriche e meccaniche e, quindi, di controllare in modo dimensionale il prodotto in tutte le fasi del processo produttivo e registrare poi le stesse nel piano di controllo. Per assicurare l’affidabilità dei risultati, i nostri strumenti sono periodicamente tarati internamente o in laboratori accreditati.
The Quality Department has to task of regularly carrying out metric and mechanical tests and, therefore, of checking the dimensional values of the product in all phases of the production process and then registers them in the control plan. To ensure the reliability of the results, our instruments are periodically calibrated internally or in accredited laboratories. For METALVIT, the certification of the Quality Management System in compliance with the ISO:9001 Standard, which took place in 2000, represented a strategic decision aimed at guaranteeing the regular supply of high-tech products and increasing the satisfaction of our commercial partners.